Wednesday, August 11, 2010

General Blogging Question

So, say someone has a blogroll...well, in this case, "homies". Would you rather see every asexual blog that has ever been created, or just blogs that are currently active? Maybe there should be a page where we can round up links to the blogs that aren't currently active, because they still have good material, even if they're not being updated. Hmm...

Real post later today or tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

I was thinking about adding a specific category for dead blogs. I'd call it, "Graveyard" or "Oldies but goodies."

Because some of the dead blogs don't update but the archives still have value. It's a shame to overlook that.

Anonymous said...

So long as they're there somewhere, I guess would be good.

The Impossible K said...

I really like the RSS feed for blogs that I've seen - you know, w/ links to the latest blog posts. I'm pretty sure blogger had a gadget for this - try Feed. Blogs that don't post won't show up. Simple.
But of course, you can keep the original blogroll around for those "oldies but goodies" :)

Ily said...

Good calls, everyone...I'll admit, I've been a little intimidated by RSS feeds ever since I failed to set up Google Reader (yes, the internet takes all types ;-), but that might be a good solution. This blog needs a major design overhaul in general. Blogger finally decided to bestow "pages" on us poor rabble, so I might as well use them-- I've only wanted them for 3 years.

Lanafactrix said...

ROFL, Ily--guess what my comment verification is? "Rable." I shit you not.

As for the blog roll, I like the "Graveyard" idea. (FWIW, since yours is the only asexy blog I read regularly.)

Ily said...

Is that a coincidence? Weird.....