Friday, December 4, 2009

I Like Being Left Alone

Today is another special day-- the day I finished my job assignment. So yes, I'm unemployed yet again, but after a year of full-time work, I'm happier about the free time than, well, last time around. In honor of that, and with thanks to the friend who clued me in to this song, is Robbie Fulks doing "I Like Being Left Alone". Even though in his banter (the song starts at about 1:45), Fulks says that the song speaks to those in middle age, I couldn't help but think about asexuals the first time I heard it-- how cool does that make us sound? Okay, not very. I know we're not all loners, far from it. But the flip side of loneliness is a pleasure at having some time to yourself in a crowded world, perhaps to savor some chocolate pie. Enjoy.


heidi said...

Hah, totally sending that to my hubby - he's the epitome of "I'll do anything/go anywhere as long as there are no people" =) Meanwhile I'm finally cultivating an appreciation for small gatherings...

nekobawt said...

it's all subjective, really. i'm 26 and looking forward to 30 (how weird is that, in today's "omg, gotta stay young" world?), yet i remind most of my coworkers of their teenage kids, and most of my mentors/role models are older women who've gotten past giving a shit or taking shit from anyone. i don't "act my age," apparently, but i've never cared for that.

Janet S. said...

That's a great song. =D

alexandra said...

Great song.
I'm 21, but i feel like this song applies to me. I just discovered this site (literally today). I find that I do like being left alone- but mostly because i can't relate to most people- due to my asexuality. I don't want to alienate everyone-i just wish i knew more people that were like this. It can be tough sometimes.

Ily said...

I'm glad y'all liked the song! I didn't mean to imply that people who are middle aged aren't cool--I've known some pretty cool people who were middle aged and older, although Fulks seems to be talking about a stereotype of a crotchety older person. I see what you're saying, Alexandra. For me, I don't want to be left alone per se, but I want people to leave me be, to let me be myself and not give me a hard time for not being something I'm not.